Blog | Invent Shine

The Sweet Tooth to Success

Do you recognize the logo on this cup?


If you guessed "Auntie Anne's Pretzels", then you are CORRECT!

Let me ask you another question: have you ever noticed there is a "halo" over the pretzel in the logo? Until a few weeks ago, I had not.

At that time, a friend asked me to co-lead a...

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A newlywed invention... an AID!

This a great story of invention. And LOVE.

We know that God sent His son, Jesus, because of His love for us and one invention story was created out of love.

The point stressed here is that God took action.

We can suppose that many inventions, ideas, and businesses,...

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Why we celebrate you... the Inventor!

Today, we celebrate YOU!
February 11th is National Inventors' Day.

As a valued part of our Invent Shine community, and with knowing that God has given you an idea (or ideas), we celebrate all the I N V E N T O R S in our world.


No matter the status of your idea, whether it's still in...

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Partnerships - Good or Bad Idea?

Is having a partner a good thing?
Or is having a partner asking for trouble?

Now, there are unlimited situations that can arise - and I trust God will give you the knowledge and wisdom needed in any situation.

However, I want to mention a few things that should give insight to help you consider...

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2022! Time for some (good) changes RE: emails

Happy First Tuesday of 2022!

Are you excited for the NEW YEAR? We are!

We are expectant that God will do great things through us, through you and through the body of Christ.

We also have some small changes we wanted to mention in regards to our weekly emails and social media.

Firstly, we are...

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A lesson from the Wright Brothers of Aviation!

December 17th is "Wright Brother's Day".

Did you know that on December 17th, 1903, the brothers successfully flew the first "controlled and sustained" aircraft? Writing this in December 2021, that was 118 years ago.

We're sure you are vaguely familiar with the Wright Brothers and the...

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WATCH/LISTEN: Allison Cartwright on "The Unlock U Podcast"

JUST RELEASED: Unlock U Podcast with Guest Allison Cartwright
The latest episode "Unlock Team Synergy" by host Dr. Shannan Crawford is now available to watch here!

"Do you own a business, or hope to one day? At some point you’ll have the golden opportunity to be a part of a team or lead a...

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Entrepreneur: From Bullied to Billionaire

A few weeks ago in Florida, we witnessed a beautiful event in the sky.

The crew of the Inspiration4 Mission launched from Cape Canaveral and if you live within 3 hours of the Cape, you were able to see a beautiful show!


Invent Shine headquarters are approximately 2 hours south and...

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Creativity, Marketing (and more!) with Crayola Crayons!

What sparks creativity in you?
What make you start thinking, dreaming, creating?

When we think back to the origin of creativity in our lives, we can’t help but think of the Crayola Crayon!

One of the most satisfying feelings was opening a fresh box of nicely sharpened, and ready-to-go,...

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Keys For a Successful Launch!

Launching a new product, idea or business, is just as important as the development that goes on behind the scenes.

Now, there are many different methods and strategies to choose but most importantly you must pick one and IMPLEMENT it!

♦ The only sure way to fail at a launch is to not PLAN...

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Two Step

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