Joy Mangano: Idea + hard work = Success!

Do you know this movie?

Anyone with an idea needs to see it! It's the story of a "regular" person - just like you - and how they brought their idea to market!

Anytime we meet someone with an idea or product, Tom usually suggests they watch this movie. It's a fantastic story of the success of Joy Mangano. It shows that you need hard work, diligence, people, and connections to help you along the way.

There is one scene where her patent attorney had told her that she would be unable to get a patent on the idea. She spent "all night" looking over the paperwork. As the inventor, she is the one who had the perfect and full grasp on the idea.

She was able to find that ONE piece of information that enabled her to have the patent "allowed". 

As the inventor, you can do a LOT, but you can't do it ALL - however, there are times when you are the ONLY one who can (and will need) to PUSH it through to completion!

That's why we have developed the Invent Shine program - a series of faith-based online courses and coaching to help you along the invention journey. We want to help you save time and money while developing your idea(s)!

For your FREE copy of Tom's book, "Empowering Ideas" and to learn more about our special offers, click HERE. This book is sure to inspire you to pursue your ideas and will encourage you that God will help you - He gives the ideas and He has the answers! 


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