In the image of a creative God

Are you "creative"? This word usually evokes thoughts of painters, musicians, artists, etc., but in reality we ALL are C R E A T I V E. 
We all create in our own unique ways, in the unique areas that we work & live & serve & play. 
Maybe you're a Mom, trying be creative with raising up your children.
Maybe you're an accountant, bringing order and solutions to clients problems.

Maybe you're a coach, trying to improve your team.
This "creative" idea applies to EVERY AREA of our life. Do you see a problem or an issue? You can have an answer for it! 
So, are your ideas worth pursuing? To find out, get started today by clicking HERE to get your FREE COPY of Tom's eBook, "Empowering Ideas". This is taking the first step on your invention journey!


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